PRIME TIME SHORTWAVE (FREQUENCY CHART) English shortwave broadcasts sorted by country Relay site codes: ae-United Arab Emirates, al-Albania, an-Antigua, ar-Armenia as-Ascension, at-Ausralia, au-Austria, bo-Bonaire Neth. Antilles, bt-Botswana,bu-Bulgaria, ca-Sackville Canada, ch-China, cl-Chile, cu-Cuba, cy-Cyprus, fg-French Guiana, fr-France, ga-Gabon, ge-Germany, gr-Greenville USA, hu-Hungary, ja-Japan, ka-Kazakhstan, ko-South Korea, ku-Kuwait, li-Lithuania, ma-Madagascar, ml-Mali, mo-Moldova, nm-North Mariana Islands, no-Norway, om-Oman, ph-Philippines, po-Sines Portugal, ru-Russia, rw-Rwanda, sa-Sao Tome e Principe, se-Seychelles, si-Singapore, sl-Sri Lanka, so-Slovakia,sp-Spain, sw-Sweden, ta-Taiwan,th-Thailand, tj-Tajikistan, tu-Turkey, uk-United Kingdom, uz-Uzbekistan, va-Santa Maria Vatican, wb-WBCQ USA, wr-WRMI USA, wy-WYFR USA, za-South Africa Notes -- Days of week: Su-Sunday, M-Monday, Tu-Tuesday, W-Wednesday,Th-Thursday, F-Friday, Sa-Saturday, exW-except WednesdayTarget areas: Af-Africa, Am-America, As-Asia, Eu-Europe, LA-Latin America,ME-Middle East, NA-North America, Oc-Oceania/Australia; Other: alt-alternatefrequency, drm-Digital Radio Mondiale, occ-occasional use, se-Special English This page was last updated by Ernest Riley on October 23, 2009. Version B09v01
Germany AWR 1200-1230 As 15495
Germany AWR 1530-1600 As 11675
Germany CVC International 1400-2100 Af 17770
Germany Deutsche Welle 0000-0100 As 7265sl, 9785sl, 15640ru
Germany Deutsche Welle 0300-0400 As 11695sl, 17800ru
Germany Deutsche Welle 0400-0500 Af 5905po, 5945po, 6180rw,
Germany Deutsche Welle 0500-0530 Af 6130po, 6180rw, 9755rw,
12045rw, 15600ae
Germany Deutsche Welle 0600-0630 Af 5945uk, 7240po, 12045rw
Germany Deutsche Welle 0700-0800 Eu 3995uk drm, 6130po drm
Germany Deutsche Welle 0800-0900 Eu 9610po drm, 13810po drm
Germany Deutsche Welle 0900-1000 As 17710sl, 21780sl
Germany Deutsche Welle 1100-1400 Eu 9545uk drm, 13810po drm
Germany Deutsche Welle 1600-1700 As 5965sl, 9560sl
Germany Deutsche Welle 1800-1900 Eu 3995uk drm
Germany Deutsche Welle 1900-1930 Af 9735rw, 11690za, 13780sl
Germany Deutsche Welle 1900-2100 Eu 3995uk drm
Germany Deutsche Welle 2000-2100 Af 9690uk, 9735rw, 13780sl
Germany Deutsche Welle 2100-2200 Af 7280po, 9545sl, 11690rw,
Germany Overcomer Ministry1400-1500 Eu, ME 13810
Germany Overcomer Ministry1400-1600 Eu 6110
Germany Overcomer Ministry1500-1600 Af 13810, 17485
Germany Overcomer Ministry1900-2000 Eu 6175
Germany Pan American B/C 0030-0045 As, Su 9640
Germany Pan American B/C 1400-1415 ME, Sa 15205
Germany Pan American B/C 1400-1430 As, Su 15205
Germany Pan American B/C 1415-1430 As, M-Sa 15205
Germany Pan American B/C 1430-1445 As, Su 15205
Germany Pan American B/C 1600-1630 ME, Su 13830
Germany Pan American B/C 1930-2015 ME, Af, Su 9515
Germany Pan American B/C 1930-2030 ME, Af, Sa 9515
Greece V. of Greece 0010-0110 NA,Eu, M 7475, 9420
Greece V. of Greece 0300-0400 NA,Eu, Su 7450, 7475, 9420
Greece V. of Greece 0600-0700 Eu 7475, 9420
Greece V. of Greece 1105-1200 NA,Eu, Su 9420
Greece V. of Greece 1405-1500 NA,Eu, Sa 9420
Guam AFRTS 0000-2400 Oc 5765 USB, 13362 USB
Guam KSDA 1130-1200 As, Th,Sa 15260
Guam KSDA 1130-1200 As, Su,Tu 15260
Guam KSDA 1330-1400 As, M-Tu 15660
Guam KSDA 1330-1400 As, Th-Sa 15660
Guam KSDA 1500-1530 As 15255
Guam KSDA 1600-1630 As 9585, 11690
Guam KSDA 1630-1700 As 9840
Guam KSDA 2130-2200 As 9625
Guam KSDA 2200-2230 As, M,W,F 11850
Guam KSDA 2230-2300 As 15320
Guam KTWR 0820-0900 As, Su-F 12075
Guam KTWR 0830-0910 Oc, M-Sa 11840
Guam KTWR 1400-1440 As 9975
Guyana V. of Guyana 1000-2130 LA 5950
Hawaii AFRTS 0000-2400 Oc 6350 USB, 10320 USB
India All India R. 0000-0045 As 9705, 11620, 11645, 13605
India All India R. 0035-0040 Domestic 9425
India All India R. 1000-1100 As 7270, 15260, 15410, 17800
India All India R. 1000-1100 Oc 13695, 15410, 17510,
India All India R. 1330-1500 As 9690, 11620, 13710
India All India R. 1430-1435 Domestic 9425
India All India R. 1530-1535 Domestic 9425
India All India R. 1530-1545 As, ME 7255, 9820, 9910
India All India R. 1630-1635 Domestic 9425
India All India R. 1730-1735 Domestic 9425
India All India R. 1745-1945 Eu 7410, 9950 drm, 11620
India All India R. 1745-1945 Af 9445, 11935, 13605,
15075, 17670
India All India R. 1830-1835 Domestic 9425
India All India R. 1935-1940 Domestic 9425
India All India R. 2030-2035 Domestic 9425
India All India R. 2045-2230 Eu 7410, 9445, 9950 drm,
India All India R. 2045-2230 Oc 11620, 11715
India All India R. 2135-2140 Domestic 9425
India All India R. 2230-2235 Domestic 9425
India All India R. 2245-2400 As 9705, 11620, 11645, 13605
India All India R. 2335-2340 Domestic 9425
Indonesia V. of Indonesia 0200-0300 As, Oc 9525, 11785 alt
Indonesia V. of Indonesia 0800-0900 As, Oc 9525, 11785 alt
Indonesia V. of Indonesia 1000-1100 As, Oc 9525, 11785 alt
Indonesia V. of Indonesia 1300-1400 As, Oc 9525, 11785 alt
Indonesia V. of Indonesia 2000-2100 As, Eu 9525, 11785 alt
Iran VOIRI 0130-0230 NA 7235, 9495
Iran VOIRI 1030-1130 As 15600, 17660
Iran VOIRI 1530-1630 As 7305, 9600
Iran VOIRI 1930-2028 Eu, Af 5940li, 6205, 7205, 9800,
Ireland R. Telefís Éireann1930-2030 Af 6225za
Italy IRRS-Eur Gospel R 0530-0630 Eu,Af, M-Th5990so
Italy IRRS-Eur Gospel R 0900-1000 Eu,Af,Sa 9510so
Italy IRRS-Eur Gospel R 1030-1300 Eu,Af,Su 9510so
Italy IRRS-Eur Gospel R 1800-2100 Eu,Af, F-Su7290so
Italy IRRS-Miraya FM R 0300-0600 Af 9835so
Italy IRRS-Miraya FM R 1500-1800 Af 15650so
Japan R. Japan 0000-0020 NA 6145ca
Japan R. Japan 0000-0020 As 13650, 17810
Japan R. Japan 0000-0020 Eu 5920uk
Japan R. Japan 0500-0530 NA 6110ca
Japan R. Japan 0500-0530 Eu 5975uk
Japan R. Japan 0500-0530 Af 9770fr
Japan R. Japan 0500-0530 As 15325, 17810
Japan R. Japan 0900-0930 Oc 9625, 9825
Japan R. Japan 0900-0930 As 11815, 15590
Japan R. Japan 1100-1130 Eu, F 9760uk drm
Japan R. Japan 1200-1230 Oc 9625
Japan R. Japan 1200-1230 NA 6120ca
Japan R. Japan 1200-1230 Eu 9790ge
Japan R. Japan 1200-1230 As 9695
Japan R. Japan 1310-1340 As 9875
Japan R. Japan 1400-1430 As 5955, 9875
Japan R. Japan 1400-1430 NA 11705ca
Japan R. Japan 1400-1430 Eu 11780uk
Japan R. Japan 1400-1430 Af 21560fr
Japan R. Japan 2100-2200 Oc 13640
Japan Shiokaze 1400-1430 As, F 5910
Japan Shiokaze 2030-2100 As, F 6045
Kuwait R. Kuwait 0500-0800 As 15110
Kuwait R. Kuwait 1800-2100 NA, Eu 11990
Laos Lao National Radio0600-0630 As 7145
Laos Lao National Radio1330-1400 As 7145
Libya V. of Africa 1400-1557 Af 17725, 21695
Malaysia RTM Malaysia 0000-2400 Domestic 7295
Malaysia V. of Malaysia 0300-0600 Oc, As 6175, 9750, 15295
Malaysia V. of Malaysia 0600-0830 Oc, As 6175, 9750, 15295
Moldova PMR Pridnestrovye 2315-2230 NA, Su-Th 6240
Monaco Trans World Radio 0745-0850 Eu, Su 6105ge, 9800
Monaco Trans World Radio 0800-0850 Eu, M-F 6105ge, 9800
Monaco Trans World Radio 0815-0850 Eu, Sa 6105ge, 9800
Mongolia V. of Mongolia 1030-1100 As 12085
Mongolia V. of Mongolia 1530-1600 As 12085
Nepal R. Nepal 0215-0230 As 5005
Nepal R. Nepal 0815-0825 As 5005
Nepal R. Nepal 1200-1215 As 5005
Nepal R. Nepal 1415-1430 As 5005
Netherlands R. Netherlands 1000-1057 As 6040ru, 9720ph, 12065nm
Netherlands R. Netherlands 1400-1459 As 12080ph
Netherlands R. Netherlands 1400-1557 As 15595ma
Netherlands R. Netherlands 1500-1557 As 12080ae
Netherlands R. Netherlands 1800-1857 Af 6020ma
Netherlands R. Netherlands 1800-1957 Af 11655ma, 12045ge
Netherlands R. Netherlands 1900-1957 Af 12080za
Netherlands R. Netherlands 1900-2057 Af 7425ma
Netherlands R. Netherlands 2000-2057 Af 11655ma, 21525bo
New Zealand RNZI 0000-0458 Oc 15720, 17675 drm
New Zealand RNZI 0459-0658 Oc 11725, 11675 drm
New Zealand RNZI 0659-1058 Oc 9765, 9870 drm
New Zealand RNZI 1059-1158 Oc 13660, 9870 drm
New Zealand RNZI 1130-1200 Eu, Sa 9760uk drm
New Zealand RNZI 1159-1258 Oc 13660
New Zealand RNZI 1300-1549 Oc 7440
New Zealand RNZI 1551-1750 Oc 6170, 7440 drm
New Zealand RNZI 1751-1850 Oc 9765, 9890 drm
New Zealand RNZI 1851-1935 Oc 11725, 9890 drm
New Zealand RNZI 1936-2050 Oc 11725, 11675 drm
New Zealand RNZI 2051-2235 Oc 17675, 15720 drm
New Zealand RNZI 2236-2400 Oc 15720, 17675 drm
Nigeria R. Nigeria 0430-2305 Af 4770, 7275, 6025
Nigeria V. of Nigeria 0500-0700 Eu 15120
Nigeria V. of Nigeria 1000-1500 Eu 9690
Nigeria V. of Nigeria 1700-2100 Eu 15120
North Korea V. of Korea 0100-0200 LA 11735, 13760, 15180
North Korea V. of Korea 0100-0200 As 7140, 9345, 9730
North Korea V. of Korea 0200-0300 As 13650, 15100
North Korea V. of Korea 0300-0400 As 7140, 9345, 9730
North Korea V. of Korea 1000-1100 LA 11710, 15180
North Korea V. of Korea 1000-1100 As 11735, 13650
North Korea V. of Korea 1300-1400 NA 9335, 11710
North Korea V. of Korea 1300-1400 Eu 13760, 15245
North Korea V. of Korea 1500-1600 NA 9335, 11710
North Korea V. of Korea 1500-1600 Eu 13760, 15245
North Korea V. of Korea 1600-1700 ME, Af 9990, 11545
North Korea V. of Korea 1800-1900 Eu 13760, 15245
North Korea V. of Korea 1900-2000 ME, Af 9975, 11535
North Korea V. of Korea 1900-2000 Af 7100, 11910
North Korea V. of Korea 2100-2200 Eu 13760, 15245
Oman R. Sultanate Oman 0300-0400 Af 15355
Oman R. Sultanate Oman 1400-1500 Eu 15140
Pakistan R. Pakistan 1100-1104 Eu 15100, 17835
Pakistan R. Pakistan 1600-1615 ME, Af 9385, 11565, 15100
Palau T8WH Angel 3 0700-1500 As 9930
Palau T8WH Angel 3 1800-1900 As 9955
Palau T8WH Angel 4 0100-0300 As 15710
Palau T8WH Angel 4 0300-1200 As 15700
Palau T8WH Angel 4 1200-1300 As 12130
Palau T8WH Angel 4 1400-2300 As 9965
Palau T8WH Angel 4 2300-2330 As 15550
Philippines FEBC 1000-1030 As, F-Sa 15325
Philippines R. Pilipinas 0200-0330 As 11880, 15285, 15510
Poland Polish Radio 1300-1359 Eu 11675au, 11860uk
Poland Polish Radio 1800-1859 Eu 6130uk drm, 9650ae
Romania R. Romania Int'l 0100-0200 NA 6145, 9800
Romania R. Romania Int'l 0400-0500 NA 6130, 7310
Romania R. Romania Int'l 0400-0500 As 9690, 11895
Romania R. Romania Int'l 0630-0700 Eu 6020 drm, 7370
Romania R. Romania Int'l 0630-0700 Oc 17780, 21600
Romania R. Romania Int'l 1200-1300 Eu 11970, 15105
Romania R. Romania Int'l 1200-1300 Af 15430, 17760
Romania R. Romania Int'l 1800-1900 Eu 6065 drm, 7215
Romania R. Romania Int'l 2130-2200 Eu 6030, 7380
Romania R. Romania Int'l 2130-2200 NA 6115, 9755
Romania R. Romania Int'l 2300-2400 NA 6015, 9610
Romania R. Romania Int'l 2300-2400 Eu 6015, 7220
Romania R. Romania Int'l 2300-2400 As 5915, 7300
Russia V. of Russia 0000-0300 NA 6240mo, 7250ar
Russia V. of Russia 0300-0400 LA 6240mo, 7250ar
Russia V. of Russia 0300-0500 NA 12030, 12040, 13735
Russia V. of Russia 0400-0500 LA 6240mo
Russia V. of Russia 0400-0600 As 15735 drm
Russia V. of Russia 0500-0700 NA 9855, 9840, 12030
Russia V. of Russia 0700-0800 Oc 17665, 17805
Russia V. of Russia 0800-1100 Oc 17650, 17665, 17805
Russia V. of Russia 1000-1200 As 7205
Russia V. of Russia 1200-1300 As 11660tj, 15470, 15610
Russia V. of Russia 1300-1400 As 7205
Russia V. of Russia 1400-1500 As 7205, 7340, 11660tj,
Russia V. of Russia 1500-1600 Eu 5905 drm, 9675 drm
Russia V. of Russia 1500-1600 ME 4975tj
Russia V. of Russia 1500-1600 As 7260, 9660ch
Russia V. of Russia 1600-1700 ME 9470
Russia V. of Russia 1600-1700 Eu 6130
Russia V. of Russia 1600-1700 As 7305, 11630
Russia V. of Russia 1600-1800 Af 9740
Russia V. of Russia 1700-1800 ME 4975tj, 11985
Russia V. of Russia 1700-1900 As 7240
Russia V. of Russia 1800-1900 ME 4975tj, 7270, 7305
Russia V. of Russia 1800-1900 Eu 7330
Russia V. of Russia 1800-2000 Af 11985
Russia V. of Russia 1900-2000 ME 4975tj, 5985
Russia V. of Russia 1900-2000 Eu 7290, 7330
Russia V. of Russia 2000-2100 Eu 7330
Russia V. of Russia 2100-2200 Eu 7290, 7330
Russia V. of Russia 2200-2300 Eu 7300
Russia V. of Russia 2300-2400 NA 7250ar
Saudi Arabia BSKSA 1000-1227 Af 15250
Serbia Int'l R. Serbia 0030-0100 NA, M-Sa 9675
Serbia Int'l R. Serbia 0100-0130 NA 9675
Serbia Int'l R. Serbia 1830-1900 Eu 6100
Serbia Int'l R. Serbia 2100-2130 Eu 6100
Sierra Leone Cotton Tree News 0730-0800 Af 15220uk
Slovakia R. Slovakia Int'l 0100-0130 NA, LA 7230, 9440
Slovakia R. Slovakia Int'l 0700-0730 Oc, As 13715, 15460
Slovakia R. Slovakia Int'l 1730-1800 Eu 5915, 6055
Slovakia R. Slovakia Int'l 1930-2000 Eu 5915, 7345
South Africa AWR 1800-1830 Af 3215, 3345, 11830
South Africa Channel Africa 0300-0355 Af 6135
South Africa Channel Africa 0300-0455 Af 3345
South Africa Channel Africa 0500-0755 Af 7230
South Africa Channel Africa 0600-0655 Af 15255
South Africa Channel Africa 0800-1200 Af 9625
South Africa Channel Africa 1400-1559 Af 9625
South Africa Channel Africa 1700-1755 Af 15235
South Africa Channel Africa 2000-2200 Af 3345
South Africa S.Afr. Radio Leag.0800-0900 Af, Su 7205, 17570
South Africa S.Afr. Radio Leag.1905-2005 Af, M 3215
South Africa Trans World Radio 0600-0615 Af, Sa-Su 11640
South Africa Trans World Radio 0600-0645 Af, M-F 11640
South Korea KBS World R. 0200-0300 LA 9580
South Korea KBS World R. 0800-0900 As 9570
South Korea KBS World R. 1100-1130 Eu, Sa 9760uk drm
South Korea KBS World R. 1200-1300 NA 9650ca
South Korea KBS World R. 1300-1400 As 9570, 9770
South Korea KBS World R. 1600-1700 Eu 9515
South Korea KBS World R. 1800-1900 Eu 7275
South Korea KBS World R. 2200-2230 Eu 3955uk
Spain R. Ext. Espana 0000-0059 Am 6055
Spain R. Ext. Espana 1900-2000 Af, M-F 9605
Spain R. Ext. Espana 1900-2000 Eu, M-F 9665
Spain R. Ext. Espana 2200-2300 Eu, Sa-Su 6125
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka B. C. 0100-0330 As 6005, 9770, 15745
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka B. C. 0330-0500 As, Su 6005, 9770, 15745
Sudan Sudan R. Svce. 0530-0600 Af 13720ae, 15325ae
Sudan Sudan R. Svce. 1500-1530 Af 17745po
Sudan Sudan R. Svce. 1730-1800 Af 9590ae
Swaziland Trans World Radio 0300-0315 Af, Su 3200
Swaziland Trans World Radio 0430-0500 Af, M-F 3200, 4775
Swaziland Trans World Radio 0500-0600 Af 3200, 6120, 9500
Swaziland Trans World Radio 0600-0700 Af 4775, 6120, 9500
Swaziland Trans World Radio 0700-0800 Af 4775, 6120, 9500
Swaziland Trans World Radio 0800-0900 Af 4775, 6120, 9500
Swaziland Trans World Radio 1425-1455 Af, M-F 6065
Swaziland Trans World Radio 1525-1625 Af, Sa-Su 6065
Swaziland Trans World Radio 1615-1645 Af, M-F 6130
Swaziland Trans World Radio 1630-1700 Af, Sa-Su 6130
Swaziland Trans World Radio 1700-1800 Af 9500
Swaziland Trans World Radio 1700-2030 Af 3200
Swaziland Trans World Radio 1700-2030 Af 3200
Swaziland Trans World Radio 1800-1900 Af 9500
Sweden R. Sweden 0230-0300 NA 6010ca
Sweden R. Sweden 0230-0300 As, Oc 11550ma
Sweden R. Sweden 0330-0400 NA 6010ca
Sweden R. Sweden 1330-1400 As, Oc 7465
Sweden R. Sweden 1430-1500 As, Oc 9400
Sweden R. Sweden 1530-1600 ME 9360
Sweden R. Sweden 1700-1730 ME 7465
Sweden R. Sweden 2030-2100 Af 9490ma
Sweden R. Sweden 2130-2200 Af 7425ma
Syria R. Damascus 2100-2200 Eu 9330, 12085